My Resignation Letter
Dear Mr. Bloke,
It is with great regret that I find myself in the position of having to offer my resignation from PC world as of today, August 11, 2006.
The main reason for my resignation was that I had been asked on many occasions to go against my principles in order to put what was in my opinion, undue pressure on customers to entice them to purchase our PC Performance plan.
I believe that if a customer refuses to take out the plan after a sales advisor has explained the full benefits of the plan, and offered the customers one promotional offer if necessary (i.e. the first month for free). Any further attempt to "encourage" the customer to take out the plan is both unethical and poor customer service. I also believe that this is against the spirit of British Retail Consortium Best Practice Code for Extended Warranties on Electrical Goods (December 2001) which states in paragraph 2.5:"Those selling extended warranties and warranty providers will take steps and have a policy to prevent undue pressure to purchase being applied at the point of sale..."
I understand that the DSG international business model is largely based on the sales of these services, and the company would probably cease to be profitable without them. However I cannot bring myself to engage in these high pressure sales methods.
I would be grateful if you could ensure that any remaining pay slips and my P45 are mailed to me at the above address.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work for your company,
Yours Sincerely,
H. Teapot
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